Duty Free FAQs

Can I buy goods Duty Free from Progear?

Yes, we offer a Duty Free service for NZ customers travelling overseas and International customers ordering from Overseas.

What airports do you service?

We can only provide Duty Free services via Auckland airport.

What if I'm leaving by boat?

If you are leaving NZ by boat, then we'd need a customs declaration from the stating that you are entitled to buy goods duty free.

What additional cost are incurred with Duty Free Orders?

If departing from Auckland airport, there is a fee of 8%+GST applied to the base cost of your order.  This fee is charged to us by Auckland airport as a handling fee and is capped at $300+GST.

How much notice to I need to give to buy Duty Free?

If departing from Auckland airport, then we require 48 hours to process your order.

Can my friend collect my order for me?

The invoice must be in the name of the person travelling.

What information do I need to provide?

If flying then we will ask for the following information:

Name as written on your passport (must match name on invoice)

  • Passport Number
  • Passport Nationality
  • Residency Status
  • Flight Number
  • Flight Date & Time
  • Gender

All orders being delivered to an International address will not attract NZ GST.  Depending on your own local tax laws, you may be required to pay tax in the goods being imported.

Can I buy Duty Free on entry into New Zealand?

No.  We can only provide Duty Free services for customers leaving New Zealand.